Why choose us

Our products

We know all about the world of technology for smartphones, notebooks, tablets and all the original accessories connected to them. We are Apple specialists and we carefully follow every innovation coming from Cupertino, but also from all the other leading brands in the sector. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best of existing technology, always ready to find any type of product the customer requires.

Product availability and delivery time

The great feature of SMARTCOM is to have the products always available, even the most requested and sought after by the market. The network created by the company in these years allows it’s professionals to have access to privileged channels that guarantee total coverage of the availability of technological devices. Not only that: thanks to our purchasing and shipping system, 97.3% of orders are delivered within 24 hours after purchase.


SMARTCOM constantly watch the performance of European and world markets, analyzing the fluctuations about costs for technological products, in order to always guarantee the best price for our customers. Customers who turn to Smartcom have a satisfaction rate of 99.4%.



Our professionals are at the service of customers to make the shopping experience a pleasant journey, starting from the research of the ideal device at the best price, but also guaranteeing all assistance services with original spare parts and 24-hour support at the highest level, thanks to our experience and all wide range of possibilities available to the buyer.

Buying from SMARTCOM means relying on a qualified partner, prepared and always ready for every technological need.